2025 marks the 25th Anniversary of Emanon Winterguard.

Emanon took the floor for the first time in 2000
the small, humble group unknowingly laying a foundation for the hundreds of people who would eventually follow in their footsteps. ​ 25 years later we wanted to celebrate by bringing together members new and old for another run-through.

Celebrating a Milestone: The 25th Anniversary Performance Plan
The plan to commemorate this milestone is not just a reflection of the past but a celebration of the present and a nod to the future. The idea is simple yet profound: a one-time performance that expresses the spirit of the alumni, a performance that is brief in duration but long-lasting in its impact.

This 25th-anniversary performance is more than just a display of skill; it is a testament to the enduring bond of the alumni and the timeless spirit of the guard. It is an invitation to be part of something larger than oneself, to create a moment that will resonate with all who witness it. As the preparations unfold, the anticipation builds for what promises to be a memorable and moving tribute to the legacy of the guard.

The performance, envisioned to be around 3 or 4 minutes long, is not intended to be a
full-length show but rather a powerful expression of unity and talent, to be showcased at MAIN Championships on Sunday, April 13, 2025. This approach allows for inclusivity, inviting any interested alumni to participate, creating an opportunity for a diverse range of talents to come together.

Rehearsals are designed to be minimal, respecting the busy lives of the alumni, with the
possibility of meeting once a month. This schedule acknowledges the reality of time constraints while still fostering a sense of commitment and collaboration. The option for virtual rehearsals adds a layer of flexibility, ensuring that distance or scheduling conflicts do not hinder participation.

If you believe you can contribute to this unique performance, or if you feel you can be of assistance organizing this celebration, you are encouraged to reach out.

Interested individuals that would like to be part of this historic event, please reach out to us either using our Interest Form or emailing [email protected].

FAQs for the
25th Anniversary Performance

  1. How many performances will there be?
    This will be a one time only performance at the MAIN Championships following the world class competition on Sunday, April 13, 2025.
  2. How often would we rehearse?
    Rehearsals will be once a month Sundays from 10:30 AM -5:30 PM in Toms River, NJ. MAIN Championship weekend we will rehearse Friday, April 11, 2025 from 8:00 PM – 11PM and the Sunday of MAIN Championships.

Rehearsal Schedule

Saturday, October 26, 2024
(This will be the only Saturday on the rehearsal schedule)
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Sunday, January, 4, 2025
Sunday, February 1, 2025
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Friday, April 11, 2025
(Friday before MAIN Championships Performance)
Sunday April 13, 2025
(MAIN Championships Performance)

3.  What if I can’t make every rehearsal?
Although we would like for you to be able to attend every rehearsal, we realize life will also still be happening. We can make arrangements to do some remote rehearsal work also so everyone can stay caught up on everything going on.

4. How much will it cost?
Depending on participating, the cost will be between $150-$250.
In the event that there is an alum member that can no longer participate in the performance, a prorated refund will be arranged. Please ask us for more info if necessary.

Interested individuals that would like to be part of this historic event, please reach out to us either using our Interest Form or emailing [email protected].